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Today’s BrainWOD: 072715

By | Math, Memory, wod | No Comments

In seven minutes:

Read the first question.

Do three burpees.

Answer the first question. Look at the second question.

Do four burpees.

Continue until all questions are finished, or you reach the 7:00 cap.

This workout includes a very high cognitive load. Interference in the form of rising numbers (3 burpees the first equation, 4 for the second equation, 5 for the third…) means carrying an extra number in your short-term memory. Some will “sprint” by attempting to solve the question while doing the burpees. For athletes who are familiar with the movement, this should be of medium difficulty. But athletes who aren’t used to burpees, or aren’t used to vigorous exercise, will struggle to recall all five numbers and the answer.

Here’s the worksheet:


July 27-31 Programming: Chris

By | Blog, Coach Journals | No Comments

Week 3 Programming
Working Memory

Names and Occupations


Own Workout, then:
2:00 minutes to memorize the names and occupations.

Recall and fill in the names and occupations


Story Recall

Row 500m.

Read the following story.

50 double unders, then:

Recall as much of the story as you can. Think about key words and phrases.

The First Snow Storm
Far away on a warm sunny island, little Harry Hall was born. Flowers bloomed all year round. The sun shone most of the time, although now and then there were thunder-showers.

When Harry was six years old his parents took a journey to New York. It seemed very odd to the little boy to live in a place where there were so many people. After a while the weather grew cold, and he had to wear thick woollen clothing. The sky was gray and cloudy one afternoon and the air grew thick. Harry was looking out the window and could hardly see the other side of the street. Something white and feathery fell slowly down. Harry was surprised that it felt so cold.  He asked his mother about it. She told him it was snow.

When the second snow-storm came Harry’s dad brought home a beautiful sleigh. Harry loved sleigh rides.

He will always remember that first snow fall.

To Do List

Do 3 wall balls between each item while reading your to-do list.

After all items are read. Run 200m while thinking about your to-do list.

Try and recall you’re entire to do list after the 200m run.

1.     Walk the dog

2.     Eat breakfast

3.     Unload the dishwasher

4.     Take meat for dinner out of the freezer

5.     Water the garden

6.     Shower

7.     Go to the grocery store

8.     Buy strawberries and bacon

9.     Make a turkey sandwich

10.  Go to soccer


Own workout, then:

Names and Occupations
Row 500m
Read the Story
50 double unders

Story Recall
3 Wall balls between each item on the To Do List

Run 200m, then:

Recall your To Do List.

Today’s BrainWOD: 072415

By | wod | No Comments


Tabata Cards

How to play:

– Using the Tabata clock, the athlete turns over three cards and has 20 seconds to study. At the :20 mark, the athlete turns the three cards face down for 10 seconds.  Immediately after the 10-second rest, the athlete has 20 seconds to study a new set of three cards, followed by a 10 second break (in which the cards are turned face down.) Continue for eight rounds, keeping each set of three cards separate.  After eight rounds the athlete attempts to accurately recall as many cards as possible in order, for a maximum score of 24.


  • The athlete must name the card before turning it face up.  A correct match equals 1 point.
  • The athlete turns the cards over in the same order they were given.


The number of cards correctly recalled out of 24 = total.

Today’s BrainWOD

By | Memory, wod | No Comments

Names and Faces

Spend up to 3 minutes with the first picture, including names under each face.

Then, an “interference” workout:

50 double-unders (high skill with higher cognitive load)

50 situps

40 double-unders

40 situps

30 double-unders

30 situps

20 double-unders

20 situps

10 double-unders

10 situps.

The workout should take less than 10 minutes and be primarily aerobic.

Then, Names and Faces Part II:

Match the name to the face.

Athletes can use any mental strategy to help them remember.

Names and Faces

Today’s BrainWOD: 071715

By | wod | No Comments


“Shuttle Search”

At one end of a shuttle course, athletes will be given a list of 42 words. They may try to store up to three at a time in short-term memory.

They run a full shuttle course, and attempt to find the three words in a large word search puzzle. When found, they return to the start.

If they don’t find all three quickly, they may elect to return to the start and find three more words. But the athlete can only circle a maximum of three words per round.

For time.

The word search: Sprint Search Puzzle

July 13-18 Programming: Hayley

By | Coach Journals | No Comments

This week, Hayley has been working on public speaking.

She would like to improve her ability to speak in front of an audience. She would like to increase her confidence and fluency.

Hayley has not spent much time utilizing the skills needed for public speaking. So her week is focused around practice!

Movements                            5 push ups

5 squats

5 left leg hops

5 Right leg hops

5 burpees

5 Rounds


Quick Thinking Drill:

1 minute to think of as many words as possible that begin with the letter

‘B’ – remember the rules.

Focus drill:

Cross Crawl for 1 minute

Speech Game

“The History of…”

The History of…

Choose or make up your own starter topic. It can be about an animal, a person, an object, how a tradition was started, a reason why we do something or anything else you can think of. For example: birthday cake, books, supper at my house, a zebra’s stripes, a chimney, the tooth fairy, common sayings like ‘a penny for your thoughts’, ‘a red rag to a bull’, ‘a pinch and a punch for the first of the month’, April Fools Day, a wheel, a Christmas tree, a ladder, Father Christmas, May Day, a siren, a 5 dollar bill, shaking hands when meeting someone.

Tell your story of the history behind the thing or event. It doesn’t have to be real! The goal of this public speaking game is to be confident and fluent!

If you’re having trouble thinking of what to say, give yourself a :20 or :30 second time slot to fill and increase the time as you become more comfortable.

Movements                            30 man on fire burpees


Quick Thinking Drill:

1 minute to think of as many items that you would find in the fridge

Focus drill:

Double doodle

-both hands at the same time drawing a figure 8

Speech Game

“Story Starters”

Story Starters

Choose from the examples below or create your own opening sentences or phrases, build a story. There is a 1 minute minimum time limit and no maximum!

For example: ‘It was a dark and stormy night’, ‘I wish people would not say …’, ‘Yesterday I saw a herd of cows ‘, ‘My favorite activity is bird watching’, ‘The wisest saying I ever heard was …’, ‘In 20 years time I will be …’, ‘It made me yell’, ‘All I want for Christmas is …’, ‘Something is terribly wrong …’, ‘The little voice inside my head …’, ‘This is the secret I’ve never shared before’, ‘I never knew what happened …’, ‘Sometimes I just want to …’, ‘You know it’s Summer when …’, ‘Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you’, ‘The story made me want to …’,’I heard the best news this morning’, ‘The sound of people laughing …’

Be creative and have FUN!

Movements                            21-15-9

Wall ball

Sit ups


Quick Thinking Drill:

1 minute to think of as many things that are the colour ‘green’.

Focus drill:

Cross Crawl

Speech Game

“Story Intervals”


Story Intervals

Pick an object in the room. You have 30 seconds to talk about that object. You can create a fictional story about it coming to life, or you can create a factual story and describe how it is used. At the end of   30 seconds, you have to pause for 10 seconds. After the 10 second pause you can continue with your story. Complete a minimum of 3 intervals of 30 seconds. There is no maximum!

Today’s BrainWOD: 071515

By | Enrichment, Ignite! At Home, Ignite! At School, Ignite! In The Workplace, Interventions, Language, Public Speaking, wod | No Comments


The Tabata Protocol means doing 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. It’s usually done for 8 rounds. CrossFit workouts include “Tabata This” and “Tabata That.”

In “Tabata Talking,” instructors draw a random noun, and students talk about the noun for 20 seconds nonstop. Then they take a 10 second break to gather their thoughts before the next interval. If a student can’t fill the full 20 second interval, they move immediately to the next exercise group.

Exercise Group: Tabata Squats (max squats in 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds.)

Talking Group: Draw a noun (max talking in 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest, up to 8 rounds.)

Exercise Group: Tabata Pushups (max pushups in 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds.)

Talking Group: Draw a noun

Exercise Group: Tabata jumping jacks

Talking Group: Draw a noun

Exercise Group: Tabata Situps

Talking Group: Draw a noun.

The objective is to complete all 32 ‘talking’ rounds.

July 13-18 Programming: Tyler

By | Coach Journals | No Comments


Tyler’s goals center on language. He’d like an increased vocabulary and faster word retrieval.

This might suggest primarily word-based tasks, but since our brain doesn’t discriminate between bits of data, we can help word recall with number lists. That creates more options.

Also, a large part of recall is “seeing” the word or “feeling” the word. Having Tyler “try on” different words or use them in different patterns will make him choose his words more carefully.

His first BrainWOD is fairly simple: it’s memorizing lists of words between rounds in his track workout. These lists were chosen based on categories (the words have things in common) so he can chunk them. Next week he might not be so lucky.

Horse Cat Dog Fish Bird
Orange Yellow Blue Green Black
Table Chair Desk Bookcase Bed
Teacher School Student Homework Class
Apple Banana Kiwi Grape Mango


This task is for time.

His second BrainWOD will involve rewording cliches to change their meaning. After a METCON, Ty will fill in the following worksheet. This is NOT timed. This is a substitution task.

Cliche Worksheet 1

Finally, his third BrainWOD will involve translation. This is a simple word search using only French words. Ty will have to carry an unfamiliar word (or two, or three) in his short-term memory and find them in the puzzle. He’ll be using this particular puzzle after another track workout.

This is a fairly simple week, focused entirely on language.