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July 27-31 Programming: Chris

By July 27, 2015Blog, Coach Journals

Week 3 Programming
Working Memory

Names and Occupations


Own Workout, then:
2:00 minutes to memorize the names and occupations.

Recall and fill in the names and occupations


Story Recall

Row 500m.

Read the following story.

50 double unders, then:

Recall as much of the story as you can. Think about key words and phrases.

The First Snow Storm
Far away on a warm sunny island, little Harry Hall was born. Flowers bloomed all year round. The sun shone most of the time, although now and then there were thunder-showers.

When Harry was six years old his parents took a journey to New York. It seemed very odd to the little boy to live in a place where there were so many people. After a while the weather grew cold, and he had to wear thick woollen clothing. The sky was gray and cloudy one afternoon and the air grew thick. Harry was looking out the window and could hardly see the other side of the street. Something white and feathery fell slowly down. Harry was surprised that it felt so cold.  He asked his mother about it. She told him it was snow.

When the second snow-storm came Harry’s dad brought home a beautiful sleigh. Harry loved sleigh rides.

He will always remember that first snow fall.

To Do List

Do 3 wall balls between each item while reading your to-do list.

After all items are read. Run 200m while thinking about your to-do list.

Try and recall you’re entire to do list after the 200m run.

1.     Walk the dog

2.     Eat breakfast

3.     Unload the dishwasher

4.     Take meat for dinner out of the freezer

5.     Water the garden

6.     Shower

7.     Go to the grocery store

8.     Buy strawberries and bacon

9.     Make a turkey sandwich

10.  Go to soccer


Own workout, then:

Names and Occupations
Row 500m
Read the Story
50 double unders

Story Recall
3 Wall balls between each item on the To Do List

Run 200m, then:

Recall your To Do List.

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