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Today’s BrainWOD: 090814

By September 8, 2014wod



“Tabata Talking”

Coach chooses a noun. On “go!”, student speaks about the noun, without interruption, for 30 seconds. Then they’re given 10 seconds to collect their thoughts before starting another 30-second interval.

After 8 intervals, another noun is drawn. Continue for 4 nouns.

If a student is unable to speak for 30 seconds on a given noun, move to the next round (draw another noun.)

Oral presentations are rarely required in school. Public presentation, speaking in front of a group and connecting with others are critical life skills (it’s hard to think of anything else as important in the workplace.) Confidence can be learned only through practice; no amount of “self-help literature” and mantras can replace regular exposure to communication and monologue.

Toastmasters is the most recognized provider of public speaking lessons and practice, but CrossFit gyms could easily add oral presentation to their Kids classes by requiring teens to coach the younger kids occasionally. CrossFit Brand X, home of CrossFit Kids has been using this practice for years. Adding a drama component or “teach back” to youth classes presents a remarkable opportunity to improve the lives of our clients.


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