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The Ignite method is practiced in schools and gyms around the world.

With the our NEW location at 130 Wellington St. East, we’re launching the Ignite Tutoring program for elementary and high school students.

Ignite incorporates exercise with academics in a “game-like” atmosphere. This service is for a normally-functioning population (no behavioral challenges.) A typical Ignite Tutoring session looks like this:

  • 5-8minute “BrainWOD” incorporating a physical game

  • 3-5 minute “Focus” Skills

  • 25 minutes of intensely productive study time

  • 5 minutes of “Anchoring” activity to make the lesson stick.

Students will have optional access to an open “study hall” each month, to complete their homework assignments.

Ignite Tutors are highly qualified professional teachers with a passion for fitness and helping students succeed.

Our system includes:

  • Help with the student’s homework

  • Grade tracking

  • Self-scheduling for students

  • Homework check-in emails to keep them on track.

The benefits of the Ignite method:

  • Learning is more effective when combined with movement.

  • The brain is “primed” by focus drills before homework is begun.

  • 1-on-1 attention from trained, caring teachers.

  • Students LOVE it.

Booking opens December 1! To request a spot on the waiting list or book a free phone consultation, fill out the form below.

Watch for specialty courses in math, reading, creative writing, memory and entrepreneurship in 2016!


$450 (one student, package of 10 sessions lasting 45 minutes each)

$810 (one student, package of 20 sessions lasting 45 minutes each)

Email for partner and team rates! tyler@ignitegym.com.
