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Today’s BrainWOD: “Tabata Talking”

By December 4, 2013Enrichment, Public Speaking, wod


The Tabata Protocol means doing 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. It’s usually done for 8 rounds. CrossFit workouts include “Tabata This” and “Tabata That.”

In “Tabata Talking,” instructors draw a random noun, and students talk about the noun for 20 seconds nonstop. Then they take a 10 second break to gather their thoughts before the next interval. If a student can’t fill the full 20 second interval, they move immediately to the next exercise group.

Exercise Group: Tabata Squats (max squats in 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds.)

Talking Group: Draw a noun (max talking in 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest, up to 8 rounds.)

Exercise Group: Tabata Pushups (max pushups in 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds.)

Talking Group: Draw a noun

Exercise Group: Tabata jumping jacks

Talking Group: Draw a noun

Exercise Group: Tabata Situps

Talking Group: Draw a noun.

The objective is to complete all 32 ‘talking’ rounds.

Bonus challenge:

By removing one letter from the mix at each step,
and rearranging the other letters as necessary to form new words,
reduce the word “SANCTION” to the letter “I.”

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