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Today’s BrainWOD: Mental Calculation

By November 24, 2013Games, Ignite! At Home, Math, Memory, wod



Older students: 3x or 5:00
Handstand walk or bear crawl => 5 perfect squats => 5 perfect push-ups => 5 strict pull-ups => 10 one-legged hop on a low box or curb, each leg => 50-meter high-knee skip => 50-meter back pedal

Younger students: 3x or 5:00
Bear crawl => 3-5 super-slow squats => 3-5 push-ups => 2-4 monkey hangs => 5-10 one-legged hops, each leg => 25-meter skip => 25-meter side shuffle

Challenge: AMRAP in 10:00 (ages 5-8,) 15:00 (ages 9-12,) or 20:00 (13+)

10 “Man On Fire” Burpees

Army Crawl 30 feet

Add random numbers*

Wheelbarrow walk to start

*in the first round, add two randomly-drawn numbers. In the second round, add three. In the third round, add four, continuing as high as possible.

Number range: up to student’s age. For example, an eight-year-old would use the numbers from 1 to 8.

Bonus: The Chemistry of Cookies.

Ignite BrainWODs are comprised of 7 phases (the Ignite 7 Steps.) Warmups, focus drills, pre-lesson challenges and anchoring activities should precede and follow this challenge for optimal benefit.

The Ignite 7 Steps are outlined in Enrichment Through Exercise, and taught in our NeuroMotive Coach Certifications. 


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