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Today’s BrainWOD: “Make The Hundred”


Warmup: 4 X
10 Side to Side hop over small barrier =>10 Sprawls => 25 M Sprint => 25 M Back pedal

Recite 1-10 multiplication tables as far as possible without interruption

In any order, perform:

100 squats

100 situps

100 pushups

100 lunges

without rest, complete:

1 a. ____ + 83 = 100
1 b. 11 + ____ = 100
2 a. 1 + ____ = 100
2 b. ____ + 15 = 100
3 a. ____ + 40 = 100
3 b. ____ + 50 = 100
4 a. 71 + ____ = 100
4 b. ____ + 95 = 100
5 a. 54 + ____ = 100
5 b. ____ + 71 = 100
6 a. ____ + 52 = 100
6 b. 64 + ____ = 100
7 a. 75 + ____ = 100
7 b. 83 + ____ = 100
8 a. 32 + ____ = 100
8 b. ____ + 44 = 100
9 a. 62 + ____ = 100
9 b. ____ + 29 = 100
10 a. 12 + ____ = 100
10 b. ____ + 35 = 100
Scaling Options: Decrease the number of reps (“Make The Twenty” or “Make The Fifty”)
Change addition to multiplication


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