Sault Ste. Marie is biting its fingernails again. While we wait for news on the Steel Plant, everyone feels the anxiety of the families whose holidays might be ruined by a shutdown. Again.

At Ignite, we believe one of the best ways to secure our future as a City is to increase entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs create jobs, buy buildings and stay local. They invest in infrastructure and take ownership of our future. IgniteGym was voted

In 2016, IgniteGym will inspire, train and mentor twelve budding entrepreneurs. We believe the skills learned through business ownership will translate into ANY career. So while each will actually launch their company by summer, their idea doesn’t have to be a long-term one. In each case, we’re building a mindset more than one single business.

Participants will get:51rSsa9t98L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

  • TenĀ one-hour lectures from Chris Cooper, owner of Catalyst Fitness and co-owner of IgniteGym (and a few other companies.) Chris is the author of Two-Brain Business, Two-Brain Business 2.0 and Help First. He’s mentored over 300 small business owners in North America, Australia and Europe.
  • Copies of each of Chris’ books.
  • A business “action plan” created around THEIR idea.
  • Instruction on cash flow forecasting (spreadsheets and math,) building a starter website, marketing, staffing and longevity.
  • Lectures on stress reduction, creativity, risk-taking and management from Tyler Belanger, co-owner of IgniteGym.
  • A customized “Launch” plan for their business
  • A final “Lion’s Den” session in front of four local entrepreneurs, who will each select one new entrepreneur for a mentoring package worth $5000-$10,000.
  • A business.

Fees: $0.

We’ll announce the launch dates soon. Want to get on the preregistration list? Fill in the form below.

Register For More Information on Entrepreneurship 2016!

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