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Today’s BrainWOD: Physical Skills Day

By | Games, Ignite! At Home, Ignite! At School, wod | No Comments


LIL’ BEASTS (5-9):

Warmup: Jumping Obstacle Course
Tall Cone/ Short Cone- Alternating Height Jumps
Ape Walks (Left)
Ape Walks (Right)
Skill: 5 Minutes Jump Rope Practice – Advanced Jump Ropes Practice Jumping Rope On one foot at a time

WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP
10 Jump Ropes
10 Squats
10 Stinkbugs
Sidewalk Frog Jumps to the cone and back (approx 10 Meters each way)
Game:  Tug O’ War


Warmup: When I Say Jump!/ When I Say Drop!

Kids do mountain climbers. Each time coach yells jump, they do a vertical jump for height, drop down and continue doing mountain climbers. Continue for about 2 minutes


Kids do air squats. When coach yells drop, they drop and do a burpee and resume air squats. Make it fun, and throw in the cues, back to back or as often as you like.

Skill: Jumping Rope- Basic Singles & High Knees

WOD:  3 Rounds
400M Run
20 Front Squats
10 Box Jumps

Today’s BrainWOD: Mental Calculation

By | Games, Ignite! At Home, Math, Memory, wod | No Comments



Older students: 3x or 5:00
Handstand walk or bear crawl => 5 perfect squats => 5 perfect push-ups => 5 strict pull-ups => 10 one-legged hop on a low box or curb, each leg => 50-meter high-knee skip => 50-meter back pedal

Younger students: 3x or 5:00
Bear crawl => 3-5 super-slow squats => 3-5 push-ups => 2-4 monkey hangs => 5-10 one-legged hops, each leg => 25-meter skip => 25-meter side shuffle

Challenge: AMRAP in 10:00 (ages 5-8,) 15:00 (ages 9-12,) or 20:00 (13+)

10 “Man On Fire” Burpees

Army Crawl 30 feet

Add random numbers*

Wheelbarrow walk to start

*in the first round, add two randomly-drawn numbers. In the second round, add three. In the third round, add four, continuing as high as possible.

Number range: up to student’s age. For example, an eight-year-old would use the numbers from 1 to 8.

Bonus: The Chemistry of Cookies.

Ignite BrainWODs are comprised of 7 phases (the Ignite 7 Steps.) Warmups, focus drills, pre-lesson challenges and anchoring activities should precede and follow this challenge for optimal benefit.

The Ignite 7 Steps are outlined in Enrichment Through Exercise, and taught in our NeuroMotive Coach Certifications. 


Today’s BrainWOD: Physical Skills Day

By | Games, wod | No Comments


Lil’ Beasts (5-9):

Warmup: Freeze Tag on the Ramp

Skill: 5 Minutes Jump Rope Practice & Box Jumps

WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP “Jump Land”
10 Jump Ropes
5 Jump Squats
5 Box Jumps
Sidewalk Cone Hops

Future Beasts (10+):

Start with playing “Roxanne” by The Police, Kids do jumping jacks until they say Roxanne.Every time Roxanne is said you have to do a burpee.Continue throughout the whole song

Skill: Burpee Sandbag Thrusters
(Kids do a burpee on a small sandbag, sandbell or next to a medicine ball. As they come up, they pick up the sandbag, and squat-thruster-toss. Emphasis should be on jumping up while they propel the bag forward, not jumping forward)

WOD: Partner WOD

3 Rounds for time (15 Minute Cap) 

Each partner runs 100M run with cone hops relay style

As a team complete 20 KB Swings (can share reps)

As a team complete 30M Burpee Sandbag Thrusters

Today’s BrainWOD: “Babe Ruth”

By | Enrichment, Exercise Demos, Games, Reading, wod | No Comments


Reading comprehension and ‘CrossFit Kids Baseball’

Prepare four exercise stations about 90′ apart. These are your ‘bases.’

Home plate: 1 somersault

First base: 10 knees-to-elbows

Second base: 20 jumping jacks

Third base: 10 broad jumps.

Start a running clock. Read the paragraph for your age group below. Answer the questions, and complete as many circuits of CrossFit Kids Baseball in the time remaining on the clock. Each circuit is a run.

For every wrong answer, subtract one run from your total.

Ages 3-5: Click here for your paragraph. Clock time: 12:00.

Ages 6-8: Click here for your paragraph. Clock time: 15:00.

Ages 9-12: Click here for your paragraph. Clock time: 20:00.

Post total runs to comments.

The ConcussionPro tracking log is now available for purchase in our online store!

Ignite BrainWODs are comprised of 7 phases (the Ignite 7 Steps.) The above can be used on its own for a fun challenge, or incorporated into the 7 Steps for optimal benefit.

The Ignite 7 Steps are outlined in Enrichment Through Exercise, and taught in our NeuroMotive Coach Certifications. 

Math Challenge: “Make The Hundred”

By | Enrichment, Games, Ignite! At Home, Ignite! At School, Math, wod | No Comments

Warmup: 4 X
10 Side to Side hop over small barrier =>10 Sprawls => 25 M Sprint => 25 M Back pedal

Recite 1-10 multiplication tables as far as possible without interruption

In any order, perform:

100 squats

100 situps

100 pushups

100 lunges

without rest, complete:

1 a.    ____ + 83 = 100
1 b.    11 + ____ = 100
2 a.    1 + ____ = 100
2 b.    ____ + 15 = 100
3 a.    ____ + 40 = 100
3 b.    ____ + 50 = 100
4 a.    71 + ____ = 100
4 b.    ____ + 95 = 100
5 a.    54 + ____ = 100
5 b.    ____ + 71 = 100
6 a.    ____ + 52 = 100
6 b.    64 + ____ = 100
7 a.    75 + ____ = 100
7 b.    83 + ____ = 100
8 a.    32 + ____ = 100
8 b.    ____ + 44 = 100
9 a.    62 + ____ = 100
9 b.    ____ + 29 = 100
10 a.    12 + ____ = 100
10 b.    ____ + 35 = 100