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Hayley Campbell

BrainWOD: April 20, 2020

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3 Rounds

1 minute child’s pose
1 minute downward dog
1 minute child’s pose

Sunny Spot (This activity was taken from an awesome teacher at our school :))

Sit in a sunny spot. Think about how that spot feels and describe it. Think about the 5 senses. Really take a few minutes to enjoy that sunny spot. Take some deep breaths and maybe even a few deep stretches. Enjoy today!

Day 20

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200m Run (or 1:00 run on the spot)
10 Wall Walks
20 Donkey Kicks
30 Walking Lunges
200 m Run
30Walking Lunges
20 Donkey Kicks
10 Wall Walks
200 m Run

10:00 Journaling. Write about the Pro’s and Con’s of isolation. How are you feeling? What do you need to change? Do you need help? Can you offer any help?



Day 18

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Skip Counting Practice

Based on your child’s age and ability, choose numbers to practice skip counting. Skip count your reps of each movement instead of counting one at a time. Here is an example, I used for my own 6 year old.

Count each movement to 100. 2 Rounds

Butt Kicks- Count each rep by 2
High Knees- Count by 5
Tuck Jumps- Count by 10
Jumping Jacks- Count by 2
Squats- Count by 5
Push ups- Count by 10

Day 17

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Set up the following 20 pictures around the perimeter of your work space. Spend 1:00 jogging around the perimeter, and memorizing the order of the pictures. After 1:00, take 30s to write down what the picture is and one description of the picture. Continue until you have all 20 pictures in the correct order.


random images